333The fates of an aging hitman and a washed up detective become entwined when one last job leads to one last chance to settle an old score. -
247The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed Ghost, owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the cit -
893Jack's left with a debt with the mob that will be hard to repay. Marrying the car dealer's illegal immigrant girlfriend may be the only way ou -
517一个单身汉暗中跟随一个漂亮女孩加入了性瘾恢复小组,在那里他认识了一帮新朋友,但是之后他发现性成瘾症并不像听上去那么刺激...... -
389大多数人与金钱的关系都很复杂 — 为钱辗转反侧,为钱铤而走险,逃避经济问题,又或视钱如命。由于人们忌讳谈钱,所以我们可能还没意识到自己遇到的情况有多普遍。但是《金钱解密》将这一切暴露无遗:信用卡的花招;学生贷款如何演变成危机;为什么大多数人直到退休时都没有足够的积蓄;以及我们如何被拐入烂赌局甚至 -
权欲 第二季
895The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in on