87Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of th -
927某天,久不谋面的老同学相约聚会。聚会在教师文伯(田雨 饰)及其妻子戴戴(代乐乐 饰)的家中举行。小人物吴小江(乔杉 饰)和老婆李楠(霍思燕 饰)、女强人韩笑(马丽 饰)、不出名的编剧贾迪(佟大为 饰)及其新结交的富家女友娇娇(奚梦瑶 饰)相继到来。身为心理医生的戴戴的一番话,让李楠对老公吴小江看手机 -
344Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role: he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning. While in Rome to shoot his firs